The Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA) Programme

The Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA) is a global technical assistance programme funded by the UK government to directly support climate projects to access finance. The CFA operates in ten countries (Colombia, Egypt, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Pakistan, South Africa, Türkiye, Uganda, and Viet Nam) with the aim of encouraging the flows of finance required to deliver on countries’ ambition to limit global warming to 1.5°C. 


CFA Uganda Phase 1 was implemented from October 2023 to March 2024 with eight projects selected from a wide range of sectors. The selected projects received support and training from technical, financial and gender equality and social inclusion experts. An event in Kampala in March 2024 connected project developers, financiers and investors, government representatives, and other stakeholders.


CFA Uganda Phase 2 will run from June 2024 to February 2025. 6-8 low-carbon projects will be selected from sectors including energy, water, smart agriculture, clean transport, waste management, forestry, and circular economy. Project developers will receive capacity building training and will be connected with potential investors.


The CFA programme will hold an event with City of London financiers in London in December 2024.

Apply Here

The Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA) Programme in Uganda

The second phase of the CFA in Uganda will:

  • Source a cohort of 6-8 climate projects or businesses that are seeking investment
  • Deliver tailored capacity building to the projects with a focus on enhancing their ability to access investment
  • Convene events to bring the projects together with investors, and other relevant stakeholders in a series of project-investor workshops.

The objective of the second phase of the CFA in Uganda is to:

  • Strengthen Uganda’s pipeline of bankable projects.
  • Increase the flow of financing from Uganda, regional and London-based investors to green businesses, particularly SMEs, agri, and women-owned businesses.
  • Strengthen enabling environment for green investment


Benefits of the Programme

Capacity building

Project developers will gain valuable insights and develop capabilities to make projects attractive and ready for investors. This includes benchmarking projects against what a bankable / successful project looks like, gaining confidence in speaking to financiers, and learning how to structure project financing. Exchanges of best practices with other CFA countries will also be enabled.

Access to sources of finance

The CFA provides project developers greater opportunities to access finance by working directly with potential investors to understand their needs and develop their projects accordingly. Through the CFA’s reach, project developers have the opportunity to reach commercial and concessional investors, operating both nationally and internationally.

Building networks & raising profile

Project developers will have the opportunity to raise their profile and expand their network with stakeholders across the climate finance landscape, including local and international financiers, policy makers, researchers and other private sector organisations, in addition to a cohort of projects facing similar challenges. The network will provide project developers with long-lasting benefits to current and future low carbon opportunities.

Achieving ESG project objectives

The CFA supports projects to realise and communicate their positive impacts. The CFA has access to climate, sectoral and social impact specialists and can assist projects to support local and national climate ambitions, as well as helping to unlock co-benefits such as poverty reduction, improved gender equality and social inclusion, and tackling biodiversity loss.

Application Details

The type of projects the CFA can support

The CFA supports low carbon projects that are seeking finance. Candidate projects should:

  • Be designed to achieve measurable climate mitigation outcomes in terms of direct or facilitated greenhouse gas emission reductions.
  • Have a minimum total financing need of US$ 500,000.
  • Be (at least) at the technical pre-feasibility stage of development.
  • Have a business model that will generate commercially attractive returns in the long-term (although some element of concessional financing may be required initially).
  • We strongly encourage projects that can demonstrate positive social impacts and how they contribute to furthering gender equality and social inclusion.

For more details on how the programme can support your project, please register at the link below to join our online info session scheduled for July 24, 2024.

Register Here


How to apply

  1. The CFA is accepting applications from climate projects seeking support in accessing finance until August 9, 2024.
  2. Please complete the detailed application at the link below.

Submission language: English

Apply Here

Key Dates

8th July 2024
Call for proposals opens
24th July 2024
Virtual Launch event
9th August 2024
Call for proposals closes
September 2024
Announcement of selected projects
Sept-Nov 2024
Capacity building for selected projects
November 2024
In-country event and virtual regional event
December 2024
London event
January 2025
Kampala policy forum event

*These dates may change

CFA Uganda’s first project cohort

Events & Media

Phase 1 In-country Event

4th March 2024, Kampala, Uganda

The first-ever CFA Uganda In-country event was held on the 4th of March 2024 at the British High Commissioner’s residence in Kampala, Uganda. The event attracted over 60 participants including project representatives, investors/financiers, ecosystem players and teams from PWC UK, the British High Commission and Bethel Advisors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the CFA provide funding for projects?

No. The CFA does not provide or guarantee funding for projects. The CFA facilitates access to suitable investors, and provides capacity building, networking opportunities, and visibility for projects to achieve their low carbon project objectives.

Can the same project developer submit the application for several projects?

Of course! There is no limit to the number of projects that apply to the call for proposals as long they meet the requirements described above.

Will projects developed outside Uganda be considered?

No, projects are only considered in Uganda. It is possible for projects with different branches or partner projects in different countries to take part in the CFA, as long as the main project is in Uganda.

Can projects related to specific cogeneration issues be considered?

Yes, cogeneration-related projects are most welcome. Please specify how the project will cause GHG emission reductions.

Once a proposal has been submitted, can changes be made?

Once the online application has been submitted to the Accelerator, no changes can be made. A new application must be filled out if changes are required and you should notify us by email to consider only one proposal.

Should projects with total financing less than US$ 500,000 apply?

No. Only applications from projects with a minimum financing need of US$ 500,000 will be considered.

What financial instruments will be used for each of the projects?

Financial instruments offered by the financiers and investors will depend on the project and its characteristics, and different instruments may be used, such as green bonds, loans, equity investments and public-private partnerships, among others.

Can we submit a proposal at any time during the call for proposals stage?

Yes, but we suggest doing it sooner rather than later as we review proposals on a rolling basis.

Can we submit a proposal via email at any point during the call for proposals phase?

No, all applications must be submitted through the online questionnaire. The CFA will not accept applications received through other channels.

How CFA Uganda can work with Investors

As we enter a key decade for climate action, both Ugandan and international financial institutions are critical in supporting the development and implementation of low carbon projects to achieve national climate commitments.

The flows of climate finance depend on various elements including, crucially, a stock of strong projects being financed by willing investors, with these transactions being supported by a conducive enabling environment. Finance providers often lack familiarity with low-carbon opportunities in these markets, hence have a lower risk appetite or willingness to invest.

The Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA) has been established to support project developers and financiers work together to fund low carbon opportunities.

Investors Express Interest Here

By engaging with the CFA programme, financiers can benefit from:

Visibility of low carbon project pipeline

The CFA aims at providing local and international financial institutions in Uganda early visibility of, and closer engagement with, a credible pipeline of profitable low carbon projects. The projects supported by the CFA will be socially and environmentally sustainable, contributing to sustainable and inclusive development.

Best practice and capacity building

Local and international financial institutions in Uganda that engage with the CFA will benefit from the opportunity to better understand alternative financial mechanisms, such as innovative approaches to blended and green finance, as well as a deeper understanding of where projects are across the ‘climate finance supply chain’ - from project origination, to development, financing and refinancing.

Increased stakeholder networks

The CFA will enable local financial institutions to raise their profile and expand their networks. Deeper contacts will be fostered with other financiers, project developers, government representatives at national and local level, national and international development banks & agencies. The network will provide project developers with long-lasting benefits to current and future low carbon opportunities.

Sharing knowledge and skills

Local and international financial institutions in Uganda can share their knowledge and skills with project developers, to support them in building projects that are more investment-ready. This in turn will help financiers to see the level of readiness of projects.

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